This Sunday, be edified exhorted and comforted while reading an honest message from the truth ~ the King James Bible.

Greetings my friend!

Thank you for your faith. Many have said to me, "...your Sunday Prayer Letters have been a real help and an inspiration to me..."

Sometimes we just can't go out and go to church... maybe I can help with our SUNDAY PRAYER LETTER. It goes out every Sunday at about 4:00 am Boulder time.

Weekly, using our GEC Sunday Prayer Letter as a script. We use the letter for preaching for our street sermons and street ministry, and also for our house churches, and our eventual Sunday church assembly... it's really getting used a lot.

My hope is to edify, to exhort, and to comfort you, where ever you may be in life. Thank you for RECEIVING THE LETTER and the benefits and value of being connected to a street preacher and missionary evangelist who is "Building a new missionary church!"

By the way, sometimes my letters get a little long, so take some time to read the entire letter, because I put my whole heart into every letter. The letters take me about four hours to write, edit, proof read, and upload.

If you would like to check me out further; I create street sermon videos five or six days a week; street preaching messages from the word of God, using the letter. These videos are on our YouTube.com/JohnChoque.

Respectfully in JESUS,


"Building a new missionary church!"


By the will of God, I've written a letter about every Sunday since:

December 30, 2018
7:00am Mountain Time


  • Personalized letter, just for you
  • Making mention of you in my daily prayers
  • Listed scripture references for you to study
  • Letter is about 20 minutes of reading time
  • Letter has an unsubscribe link at the bottom
  • My Contact Information is included, and
  • Easy to reply to the letter, I respond soon

When you’re in Boulder, let’s preach together… you don’t need anything except a love for the LORD JESUS CHRIST and a love to see lost souls turn onto Jesus… everything else will come by the Holy Ghost teaching you what to do… so come on out! See our Preaching Calendar for events, dates, and times.

"Building a new missionary church!"

Ministry by JOHN CHOQUE.

Street Preacher. Church Builder. Founding Pastor. Missionary.

"GEC—Touching People For Heaven"©

November 1953, called from the womb to be a priest, per my mother. Born again about May 1974. Received the Holy Ghost about September 1978. Two weeks after being saved, called by God to preach, to minister, but first to go to school. After 5 years of ministry training, called by God to build a church: in the State of Colorado, in the City of Boulder, named: Gospel Evangelist Church, Scripture Foundation: Mark 16:15-20, King James Bible 1611.

Serving Christ since 1974.


CB handle for over 30 years.

Recently finished a 40-year, 3-million-mile career in trucking. Retired Saturday, 12 noon, April 22, 2017 in Redding, California. Arrived in Boulder, Colorado on Wednesday, 9:00 am, May 3, 2017 to build a new missionary church from scratch on the streets of Boulder. Then on Sunday, 3:00 pm, May 26, 2019, Memorial Day Weekend, I lifted my gospel banner for the first time to begin our GEC Banner Preaching Street Ministry.

This is a ten-year season of street preaching, 2019 to 2029, if the Lord tarry.



    We respect your privacy. An unsubscribe link is at the bottom of every letter. You may also reply to each letter. See our privacy policy on our ministry website, JohnChoque.org.


    What must I do to be saved?

    In Acts 16:31, King James Bible, it says, "...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." Study the Holy Bible and learn the truth of the word of the Lord.

    © 2018-2024 —JC. Boulder, Colorado USA.